vintage and contemporary postcards and stamps from around the world

27 June 2024

time in the city

 Perhaps the most famous clock tower

A vintage timepiece (c1934) as a shop sign for Möbel Hansson, an antique store in Stockholm






a clock in the medieval Old Quarter of Torun Poland

but, the pièce de résistance

is this astronomical clock in Prague, 

the oldest clock still in operation (since 1410)


Joy said...

I like the crowd that has gathered to watch the little figures to come out in Prague. The simple pleasures of life.
My clocks and moments are here

Lisa said...

Those are fabulous clocks and towers! I overlooked my London postcards, surely at least one will have the clock tower.


In the Company of Me said...

Wow, that astronomical clock in Prague is truly incredible to think it's been keeping time since 1410!

Here's my swinging ritual.

marina said...

wow! how many clocks!! I love the Prague clock.

Mail Adventures said...

I was about posting the Prague clock, too :)
But then I remembered a departure you can see here.