vintage and contemporary postcards and stamps from around the world
31 December 2023
light up the sky

28 December 2023
By the time these Magi arrived, the Baby Jesus could hold up his head! As well as the expensive gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, a onesie might have been useful.
back to Finland for some snow, or lumi
25 December 2023
24 December 2023
snowy scenes
a nostalgic Christmas
Merry Christmas to one and all
23 December 2023
22 December 2023
painting by A J Casson, 1921
Not much chance of any falling snow for Christmas in most of the country this year.
21 December 2023
17 December 2023
I know this one is a little late, since Hanukkah ended on Dec 15th. This is the 2023 edition, designed by Hélène L’Heureux and illustrated by Stephanie Carter. What I learned from the website is that this menorah is actually called a hanukkiah
16 December 2023
14 December 2023
decorated trees
It's always more fun to have help with trimming the tree
and waking up to presents under the tree is so exciting. that grinning nutcracker, not so much
trees and ornaments for Thursday Postcard Hunt on this second week of December
10 December 2023
09 December 2023
07 December 2023
father christmas
before Coca Cola decided to transform Santa into a portly, jolly old soul wearing a red suit that matched its branding, Father Christmas used to look like these cards
06 December 2023
great pebble
Formerly known as Ayers Rock, Uluru is a sacred site for the Anangu people. It is seen as a resting place for ancient spirits. Finally, since 2019, climbing the rock is now forbidden.
05 December 2023
lonely street
04 December 2023
single span
03 December 2023
02 December 2023
30 November 2023
cartoon animals

another new one for me was this mole, Krtek. I have found a few episodes on youtube and was pleased to discover that it is all speechless (except for a few exclamation noises) making it even easier to follow.

I haven't read this book, but I LOVE the film version
27 November 2023
26 November 2023
Diwali (Nov 12/23) This year's stamps were designed by Kristine Do and illustrated by Rena Chen. It features clay pots of oil (diyas) in the corners and marigolds and mango leaves
25 November 2023
24 November 2023
23 November 2023
As many of you will have suspected, I am a cat person. This hand painted postcard from a Postcrosser in the US is a lovely tribute to her kitty.
A good friend of mine has a rabbit for a pet. And there are far too many pet dogs in my building for my comfort.
some pets for Thursday Postcard Hunt
21 November 2023
20 November 2023
19 November 2023
planes, trains, automobiles
I have shown this one before, but I like it so you're getting to see it again. It's a jet flying out of Ottawa airport in 1964.
France's high speed train, which is now 42 years whisking you through the countryside.
and, finally, a Ferrari with Gilles Villeneuve (1950-1982)

and, tangentially related...
A very funny man, who died far too young in 1994. Starred in Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (with another great, funny man, Steve Martin) in 1987. In much less speedy circumstances, the two were trying to get home in time for Thanksgiving (happy turkey day to viridian. and Marina? not sure where you are)
18 November 2023
17 November 2023
16 November 2023
working dogs
sled dogs help humans travel faster through snow
15 November 2023
upside down
At a little under 5" in length, this green parrot with a red throat is endemic to Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Burma. They mimic leaves by hanging upside down when sleeping.