vintage and contemporary postcards and stamps from around the world

15 August 2024

wall art

 mosaics in Spaintiles in Portugalmurals in Canada

some public art for Thursday Postcard Hunt


Mail Adventures said...

Three fine examples of public art!
I adore tiles. In my Mediterranean region, we all have some at home :)
The art I found for today's Thursday Postcard Hunt is here.

violet s said...

Tiles are a favourite of mine - I took so many pictures of them. when I was in Spain. Sadly, I haven't been to Portugal to see theirs.

Lisa said...

I love murals! I don't remember any in Spain, but the tiled ones in Portugal stick in my mind. Probably due to photos, but, alas, no postcards.
Mine aren't so stunning!

Joy said...

Love mosaics and murals but like Lisa only have photos.
My pubic art is here

Four-eyed-missy said...

I haven't seen any eye-catching murals here in Phnom Penh. Mine is a rolling (or moving) kind of public art :)


marina said...

I have so many photos of public art, so many, but not on postcards