vintage and contemporary postcards and stamps from around the world

11 August 2024


I realize that with the previous Olympic countries, I neglected to include any African stamps.  Here are two for the 1964 Tokyo Games in which neither country actually participated. Dahomey and Togo only competed in their first Games in 1972 at Munich.

I was struck by the similarity in design, and sure enough, both of these stamps were designed by the Latvian-Israeli Shamir brothers, Gabriel and Maxim


Mail Adventures said...

The design is great, and the colours, too.
I cannot say my stamp is a surprise for Sunday Stamps, but is was a surprise to get it by post!

Joy said...

Attractive design, Tokyo were the first games I remember.
My Olympic stamps are here

Lisa said...

Interesting they issued Olympic stamps when they didn't participate. I wonder if that's unusual?

Four-eyed-missy said...

Beautifully-designed stamps! My Olympic collection is mostly made up of recent issues, so it's always a treat to see older stamps like these. Thanks for sharing.

The Olympics and Philippine Pride

Marina said...

Yes they are similar, even in the softness of color. Very nice!

viridian said...

My contribution is here: