vintage and contemporary postcards and stamps from around the world

02 June 2024


running in France

and dancing in Dahomey


marina said...

The running stamp is very cute. I also have a dancing stamp.

In the Company of Me said...

Love the stamps - both capturing the essence of movement. The Little Prince embodies youthful energy while the Dahomey dancers showcase tradition and culture expression. I'm re-joining Sunday Stamps again after several years of being inactive.

Joy said...

A nice contrast of stamp design, both striking.
My movements mostly propel forwards here

FinnBadger said...

These are great! My stamp for today is here:

viridian said...

A different interpretation from me:

Mail Adventures said...

The lines on the postmark add movement to the first stamp!

My dancers are here.

Lisa said...

The first is cute, however I love the look of the second. Sorry to be so late, I was out of town (without my computer).

My Movements: