Glasgow Corporation Transportyellow cabs of NYC

a cream coloured tram in Germany

truly a reason to visit Wuppertal! it began operation in 1901
and, not to ignore the buses...
this "fall fantasy" is one of four seasonally decorated trolley buses from Dayton, Ohio.below, with a ubiquitous Mountie and a few tulips, is one from Ottawa.
some ways to get around the city for Thursday Postcard Hunt
I was about to post the very same postcard from Wuppertal! :)
That street view of NY is a very ordinary one, but I love it. It's just the idea of the city in my head (probably, from so many films sets on the city).
My postcard is here.
NYC does look like that, I walked around, on my first visit, in absolute awe that it was just like on tv!
I would love a ride on the Wuppertal monorail. You have found some colourful buses. I like when they paint special ones.
In contrast I am in black and white here
The Glasgow streetcar was something! Now and again I see ex-city buses around with fabulous paint jobs, used as campers.
What a great image on the Glasgow Corp Transport! I also like the Wuppertaler suspension railway. Great collection!
I much prefer the painted buses to the ones covered in advertising.
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