This is a 'cable car', though not quite what I was thinking of, but it still fits the theme.

I was thinking more along the lines of this, the Singapore Cable Car Sky Network ride from Singapore to the island of Sentosa. It was the first ropeway system to span a harbour. It is $3 (sgd) for locals and $15 (sgd) for tourists for the almost 15 minute ride, though I gather the cars look a little more modern than these 1960s ones.
One cable car that doesn't look any different from the original - in fact it is the original - is this 110 year old aero car that takes you on a 10 minute ride over the Niagara Gorge and the Whirlpool Rapids. There's no disembarking. You get the thrill of the views, riding on an antique cable car, and because of the flow of the Niagara River you cross the international boundary four times. All for $19.00 (cad)
Or, how about this aerial tramway. It is in fact, the world's largest rotating tram car according to their website. During your 10 minutes of travel, the cars rotate slowly, "offering picturesque and spectacular vistas of the valley floor below". All for $30.95 (usd)
Sometime though, these things are called a 'gondola', as is this one in Banff with views of the Rockies that takes you up to the summit of Sulphur Mountain. This ride is slightly less than the others, at 8 minutes. It is also the most expensive, at $60 (cad)
Cable Cars, Gondolas, Aero Cars, Aerial Tramways
plus this one, posted earlier
Some great rides but for retro style the Niagara Falls Aero car has it all.
I had zilch so have had to bend the theme (if only I had thought of tram cable cars!) here
You found a lot! I'd be scared to ride on some of those. I think I would try, anyway.
I only found one, ant it is actually a very small picture.
Funny your first isn't what you had in mind! The San Francisco cable cars are what a cable car for me! So, don't be surprised to see one in my post, here...
what a great collection! The original cable car is so beautiful, colorful and scary. I love the last postcard.
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