So many people want to escape the winter - and a part of me doesn't blame them. Shovelling snow is the worst after a snow storm. And unless you live way out in the country, the snow does not stay "postcard pretty" for long. Slush and ice make walking brutal and hazardous. But, skiing, snowboarding, skating are exciting activities that totally depend on snow and cold.
Back in the summer post, I showed a postcard of Little Tub Harbour in summer. Here is the same view in winter. No boat tours at this time.

Winter can be a natural wonderland (with fewer tourists!)
Or, it can be just plain nasty (I believe this is Lake Huron)
If you like outdoor activities, you might want to go skiing and have a view like thisfor Thursday Postcard Hunt
A very atmospheric view of Lake Huron with the wind whipping the water, impressive. Winter always looks lovely, on postcards. Love those herons.
My winter activity is here
Postcards are one of the nice sides of the winter :)
A winter scene here.
The last postcard reminds me of my skiing days of my youth: I used to love it then 😊
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