In 2006 when this set of wine and cheese stamps was issued, the Canada Post website claimed 170 wineries in Canada. That number seemed a little low to me. Now, there are over 800 registered wineries with well over 50 of them in the Niagara region where I live. The stamps shape represent wine labels and cheese wedges.
for Sunday Stamps - food/drink
We received a big parcel at Christmas that contained food and drink - Cornish liqueurs, cheese and biscuits.
My stamps are here - http://bit.ly/2LgaDQI
Oh, I bought these very stamps when I visited Canada. I love them!
My cold drinks are here.
Seems like where you live you will have a lot of wine choice to go with your cheese.
My food and drink combination is here
If you are going to be stuck at home, a hamper like that would be most welcome.
I have a humble garden fruit:
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