Fun fact: fireworks festivals in Japan started in 1733 after a really bad year due to cholera, crop failures and starvation. The festival was meant to memorialize the victims and to pray for an end to the epidemic. so not really a celebration. sadly, I have no Japanese fireworks stamps

Confetti has been a traditional way of celebrating the happy couple at their wedding - though that is now frowned upon - it does make an unholy mess.
I suppose ribbons are still okay. I do love a beautifully beribboned present
for Sunday Stamps - celebrations
I have tried using the new version of Blogger and what a shambles it is- so reverted to the legacy blogger. Not much to celebrate when they force you to change.
However there are still things to celebrate from the 1940s - https://bit.ly/2YxDBOL
Meanwhile fireworks seem to be one of protestors' weapons in the UK not at all like your beautiful stamps.
I can imagine all kind of things disappearing from our region, but not fireworks. People just love fireworks badly, so I guess they will find a way...
My celebration here.
Oh man, it is a mess isn't it?!! I was thinking I might have to move over to wordpress or something. Hopefully we can keep the old version for a long time.
I like the different ways of showing an ephemeral moment. I would guess the house based firework will still happen, they don't need much of an excuse around me to send up some rockets.
My celebrations are here
A nice group of stamps - the Portuguese one is my favorite. No firework displays here this year for Independence Day.
My celebration stamp is here
And weirdly sometimes my computer goes to the old version, sometimes the new. Some things are easier, some are more confusing. It does allow you to preview what something looks like on a laptop vs tablet vs phone. I'm guessing our little group mostly uses the computer :)
Ribbon are more than ok! My favourite is that top Canadian stamp - kinda brings the closest the sentiments of a real firework!
Here we have fireworks every now and then, I guess by private individuals for whatever their reason may be... of course, nothing compared to the ones for New Year's eve, but still enough to make noise and scare the hell out of you when they come out of nowhere :)
My celebration
I am also not fond of the new version, but I guess it is all a matter of habit. Been wanting to move over to another platform partly cos of the entire html mess with blogger, partly cos the new version will become default for everyone by the end of the month =/
I did not know blogger was changing -yuck. My contribution is:
we aren't allowed private fireworks. thankfully.
my apartment faces the right direction to see our city's display. it will be quiet here on July 1. :(
I do like the fact that the new version asks if you really want to publish - saves me from the inadvertent 'publish now instead of in the future' mistake I often make.
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