17 June 2024


Sentosa is an island resort off the southern coast of Singapore.  It was formerly a British military base, then a Japanese prisoner of war camp.  In the 1970s it became a luxury resort destination.  Today, Singapore is rushing to clean up an oil spill that has closed the beaches and blackened the water.  400 metric tonnes of oil.

In Malay, Sentosa means peace and tranquility


  1. I like the oillustration on this card.

  2. ...Violet, thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm a old fellow who hasn't travelled extensively, but I enjoy seeing and learning new thing from the blogs that I visit. Energy exploration is important, but it sickens me to learn of oil spills. Greed is often what drives life. Take care and be well and enjoy the beauty that surrounds you.

  3. This post about Sentosa's history is fascinating! It's a sad reality that many beautiful places in Asia, like my old university's administration building in the Philippines (where ghost stories abound!), were used as Japanese internment camps during WWII. Hopefully, Singapore recovers quickly from the oil spill.
