20 June 2024

preservation at its best

Fossil Butte National Monument in Wyoming is described as America's aquarium in stone.  A 50 million year old lake bed and one of the richest fossil localities in the world.  Recorded in limestone are dynamic and complete paleoecosystems that spanned two million years.  Preservation is so complete that it allows for detailed study of climate change and its effects on biological communities. (from nationalparks.org website)
Sucevita Monastery in the Moldovan region of Romania is covered in fresco paintings both inside and outside.  The paintings were done in 1601, though the church was built in 1585.  It is remarkable that these exterior paintings have survived all that weather can throw at it - wind, sun, rain, snow...


  1. I like the expression "aquarium in stone". Fossils have something fascinating.

    My ancient postcards are here.

  2. Yes, I was quite taken with 'aquarium in stone' as well!

  3. I am always mesmerised when someone splits open a stone to reveal a fossil inside.
    My stones are here

  4. What a beautiful monastery. I've never seen frescoes on the outside.
    This is an interesting theme, so many takes on "ancient."


  5. Fossil Butte postcard is the epitome of "ancient. And I love the monastery!

  6. Wow, Violet, your postcards this week take us on a journey through ancient times on two very different continents. This Wyoming wonder sounds like a paleontologist's dream! 50 million years of history preserved in stone - it's incredible to imagine the stories those fossils could tell. And the Sucevita Monastery - it's amazing that these beautiful paintings from 1601 have survived the elements for so long.

    I'm afraid I'm a bit late for this week's postcard hunt, but here's mine In the Company of Me: PREAH KHAN
