vintage and contemporary postcards and stamps from around the world

09 June 2024

rural scenes

You know you have really left the city and are in the country when you start seeing barns

and, if you drive a little further from the city, you might see landscapes such as these

some views of the countryside for Sunday Stamps


In the Company of Me said...

Love the classic red barns - the stamps really capture the charming landscape of rural Canada.

Joy said...

Love barns in all their differing styles and place in the landscape
My countryside is here

Lisa said...

I enjoy barns! I have several barn paintings in fact. I love the red barn on the right best.

Mine are here:

viridian said...

My contribution is here:

Mail Adventures said...

Countryside looks different in different countries, doesn't it?

Today's contribution in Mail Adventures.

FinnBadger said...

I like the larger Canadian scenes. I have a couple more US barns to share.

Marina said...

I like the colors on the Canada stamps!