vintage and contemporary postcards and stamps from around the world

05 January 2025


I am quite intrigued by the engraved and illustrated stamps from Czechoslovakia and Czech Republic (Czechia) and have not yet seen a stamp that was a photograph.

I haven't gotten enough Slovakian stamps to see if they have continued this tradition, but looking online, I think they have.

from 1955



and from 2003, these aquarium fish which I believe are angel fish


FinnBadger said...

Fascinating observation, and beautiful stamps. My stamps are here:

Mail Adventures said...

I think you are right about the stamps from this countries being (always?) illustrations and engravings. Every country has its own postal traditions!

I have chosen a Spanish stamp recently issued; see it here.

Joy said...

I always love the countries that continue the tradition of illustrations and engraving, tiny pieces of beauty.
My illustrations are here

Lisa said...

The glassware and jewelry box are beautiful.

marina said...

I really like the mono-colored ones. The fish stem is attractive too.

Kristiina K said...

That observation :))))