26 December 2024

christmas in sweden

In Sweden (as well as other countries) the pig is a symbol of good luck.  It had its heyday in the 19th century and a pigs head was common fare for Christmas dinner. This card is illustrated by Jenny Nystrom (1854-1946) who became Sweden's most prolific painter and illustrator.

A few months after Jenny Nystrom died, Sven Nordqvist was born.  He also went on to illustrate children's books; his most well known being Pettson and Findus.


  1. That skiing cat is so cute :)

  2. It is nice to know Christmas traditions from other countries. I like Pettson and Findus, although I know them only from postcards.

    Se some more Christmas cards here.

  3. Imagine if you brought a pig's head out to the table these days :)
    My postcards are here: https://envelope100.blogspot.com/2024/12/thursday-postcard-hunt.html
    Happy Boxing Day!

  4. Well, at least the pig's head looks like it's gingerbread instead of a pig's head! I have some New Year's postcards with pigs. I also have clay three legged pigs from Pomaire, Chile, called Chanchitos.

  5. Someone is ready to use their Christmas present. Cross country or downhill I wonder.
    My Christmas greetings are here

  6. That cat on skis is super cute. What is he wearing? Zuava pants? I want more of those postcards now!

  7. I searched Pettson and Findus and found a movie trailer for their story. Now I see Findus is wearing huge Bermuda pants. :-) In the trailer, they gave Findus a female voice.
