06 June 2024

sunrise, sunset

I didn't originally intend to have all these sunrises and sunsets be from the States, but they all have the name of the city on them which I like

and, just to add, I live in a high rise and am not appreciative of the other high rises I can see from my west facing windows... except when I get some magnificent reflections of a sunrise off their windows.


my view, one morning in 2010


  1. They might be considered traditional, but I really love this kind of postcards. They make every place to seem beautiful.

    My sunset or sunrise is here.

  2. West-facing windows can be a blessing and a curse! Those sunrise reflections – now that's something special! Do you have pics of those, too? :)

  3. Cities always look their best against a sunset so one also makes an appearance on my sunset/sunrise here

  4. Mine are not only all (only two) US, they are California, with their place names too! Sunrises and sunsets, as posted above, do make anywhere look better~

    Mine: https://lisasgardenadventureinoregon.blogspot.com/2024/06/thursday-postcard-hunt-sunrisesunset.html

  5. Wow, your view is amazing! No wonder you appreciate those sunrise reflections - way better than the staring at another apartment building, like so in your face. I bet I could almost launch a paper airplane and reach someone's balcony across from mine! Thanks for sharing these photos.

  6. Reno seems made of gold! The four images of the same building are really magical: so different in colour!
