19 June 2022

beards and moustaches

The legendary King Arthur and the wizard Merlin as imagined in 1985

Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden from 1611 to 1632, regarded as one of the greatest military commanders in modern history.

Humphrey Gilbert, half brother of Sir Walter Raleigh, (1539-1583) claimed Newfoundland in the name of Queen Elizabeth I. He arrived in August 1583, but by November, had died at sea while returning to England.

and, another legendary beard...

this was fun, and there are so many fine beards and moustaches out there, we should do this again for another Sunday Stamps?


  1. I didn't thought of Santa! My bearded man is here here.

    I struggled to choose only one (although I cheated a bit with the rest of stamps). So, definitely, we can choose this topic again :)

  2. I was taken by the embroidery on the King of Sweden, perhaps a fan of the embroidered collar
    I don't think there is lack of beards on stamps, Santa never crossed my mind, clever you, could never run out of Santa stamps.
    Four beards and a moustache here
