17 May 2020

alpine flowers

Alpine Bellflowers, Crocus, and Pinks from the 1979 series 
for the Mountain Rescue Service in Czechoslovakia
engraved by Ladislav Jirka
designed by Karel Svolinsky

The stamps are a bit busy with so much detail, but they remind of a botanist's notebook drawings with natural looking handwriting.

for Sunday Stamps - flowers


  1. We have some campanula in our garden that will soon be in flower. Our crocus are finished and we may have dianthus also, so it's good toe see these on a stamp.
    My stamps are here https://bit.ly/2X1Zp4l

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love that they look like handmade stamps. Perfect for handwritten letters.

    You can see here my pink flowers.

  4. I like the link with mountain rescue, all plants one could see on a walk. As you say with a notebook in hand, pretty.
    My flowers are here

  5. I agree, the flowers are a little lost with all the writing around them. The overall effect still makes for a pretty stamp.

    Today I have flowers that are Gifts of Friendship.

  6. I love the style of the old Czechoslovakian / Polish / Hungarian stamps. These may be a bit chaotic, but it is a nice design and the colours feel compatible

  7. Here is my contribution:
