01 December 2019


The red fox, with the great name of vulpes vulpes, can be found all across the Northern Hemisphere. They are known as "wise and cunning", or alternately, as "sly and sneaky". A mature fox can weigh anywhere from 3-14kg with a luxurious tail that is one third of its body size. I live in the downtown core of a medium sized city and for a couple of years we had a three-legged fox that wandered the streets. Last year there was a litter of three born somewhere nearby and it is exciting to see two of them (there were always two together and the third off by itself) still roaming around.

for Sunday Stamps - small animals


  1. We see a fox occasionally in the woods near us and unfortunately sometimes as 'roadkill'.

    My small animals are here - http://bit.ly/2r3OICl

  2. I see a fox from time to time. Actually, what I see are fox tails... they are fast!

    My animals are even smaller. Find them here.

  3. I like the different views. Occasionally see a fox scampering across hillsides but not recently. I believe there are lots living in the rich pickings of London.
    My small animals are here
