07 July 2019

Sunday Stamps - T

A Portrait of a Man in a Turban. Or a self portrait of Jan Van  Eyck.
Painted around 1433, it has been hanging in The National Gallery of London since 1851. The stamp was issued in 1996 for the Belgian Art Abroad series.
This rather messy turban is also called a chaperon, though that translates more as a hood (Little Red Riding Hood is known as Le Petit Chaperon Rouge). If this is a self portrait, I want to know how he managed to paint without it falling off or coming unravelled.

for the letter T - turban


  1. Now that's an original choice for T!

    You can see my T-stamp here.

  2. The term chaperon is new to me. I would not want to have to tie(?) a turban like that.

    My link http://bit.ly/30itMDC

  3. The chaperon makes quite a statement, superb self-portrait.
    My T is here
