16 June 2019

Sunday Stamps - Q

1967 Rwanda, Quelea quelea
designer: J Van Noten

Although it's French name is travailleur a bec rouge, the Latin name is Quelea quelea, given by Linnaeus and no-one quite knows why. They can be found in most sub Saharan countries and is apparently the world's most common non-domesticate bird species with a population of 1.5 billion. Probably why they have a conservation status of 'least concern'.  This is another beautiful illustration by the great Belgian illustrator Jean Van Noten.

for the letter Q - quelea


  1. It is know as Africa's bird pest. The clue to it is that nest - it tells you that it belongs to the weaver bird species.

    My link http://bit.ly/2XRaqEM

    1. yes, you are right. it's not exactly a beloved species, is it?!

  2. I like when the stamps depict the birds in motion.

    Here you have my Q-link.

  3. I like the nest. My Q is here
