17 September 2017

Sunday Stamps II - 144

2004, Canada, 100th anniversary of the Canadian Open

These stamps are the same size as a golf ball (43mm or 1.6"), complete with dimpled edges. The left stamp depicts a scene from 100 years ago with a silver silhouetted golfer driving, while the one on the right shows a scene from this century with a silver silhouetted golfer putting. The crowd scenes are from the RCGA archives. Off to the right is the cup as it would have been in each of those years. The first Canadian Open (36 holes in one day) was held at the Montreal Royal Golf Club and the 100th (72 holes over four days) was held at Glen Abbey Golf Club in Oakville.

for the letter G - Golf


  1. I am amazed that we choose the same word - fortunately with different stalls. How cool that the Canadian stamps are the same diameter as a golf ball.

  2. I like the dimpled edges.

  3. These stamps must be wonderful in person...

    1. they are actually a nuisance on postcards - too big!
      and at 49 cents, they need another stamps to make up the difference.

  4. Holed in 1! Great stamps - although I am not a fan of round stamps.
