28 January 2017

Year of the Rooster

January 9th, 2017, Canada
prepaid postcard of domestic rate stamp

The Chinese Year of the Fire Rooster begins on January 28th, 2017.  Rooster (or cock, or chicken) is the only bird among the 12 zodiac symbols.

for Postcards for the Weekend


  1. What a gorgeous postcard! Japan had its New Year postcards at the start of January so I sent a few that I printed myself from a book, but this one would have been perfect to send to my friends.
    Thanks for posting it.

  2. And a happy new year to everyone! Especially Roosters (I'm a buffalo/ox).

  3. Hello Sanna! I was on a lookout for a CNY postcard, given that the event is one of the most celebrated holiday in Singapore -- I didn't find any! Happy to see one here in your page! Thanks for sharing and welcome to the PFTW linky party :D

  4. I've had two postcards so far wishing me a happy year of the rooster. None of them actually had a rooster on it, though! :)

  5. I've seen a tiny picture of this stamp on instagram and I liked it. This large (postcard) version is fascinating, love it!
