25 January 2015

Sunday Stamps II - 6

issued in 2014 as part of the Heartwarming Animal Scenes
(showing a cuddly koala in honour of Australia Day!)


  1. You have a jackpot here! Both a shaped and an Australia-related stamp! And such an adorable one! I love love love koalas, even though I've never had the chance to see one in real life...but they are just so cute!!

  2. The Japanese do cute and heartwarming so well although koalas are already cute already by nature.

  3. I have held a koala. it peed on me. as they are wont to do, I found out afterwards.
    still, they are adorable things.
    and NOT a bear. really, they're not. (they're a marsupial)

  4. Two for the price of one. Koalas are priceless too.

  5. Both themes in one sweet stamp, cool.
