04 July 2024

finding your way

I've never been to Taipei, but I love this metro map.  It shows the different trains, is colour coded, is in English, and has handy tips.  Plus which stations are near those all important night markets!

Manhattan was probably the easiest, most walkable, city I've traveled to, but this map would be handy to have for orienting yourself, especially for those bridges over the East River

two maps for helping find your way around an unfamiliar city for Thursday Postcard Hunt

02 July 2024


The Amazonia versicolor (St Lucia parrot) is St Lucia's national bird.  It's population had been increasing after declining to a low of around 150 individuals in the 1970s, mainly due to habitat loss, poaching and ... hurricanes.

Another bird found exclusively on the island of St Lucia is this oriole.  They feed on fruit and insects and have been seen stripping the bark off trees while foraging, which explains this image!


thinking of Saint Lucia and all those in the path of Beryl

01 July 2024

july 1

 Canada Day,  there will be fireworks