23 February 2020


A 1966 view of Mount Mikeno in the Volcanoes National Park which is known as Virunga National Park across the border in the DRC. (Virunga means volcano in Kinwyarwanda language of Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo). When the park was created in the 1920s, both countries were under control of Belgium. The green unfortunately does not show off the brilliant yellow-crested helmetshrike with his black body and high yellow crest. Although this stamp is from Rwanda, this bird is endemic to the DRC. And it is now on the vulnerable list.

designer Jean Van Noten
engraved by Jean de Vos

For Sunday Stamps - the colour green

16 February 2020


Here they come. The ships to "discover" the islands of the Caribbean

Christopher Columbus may have sailed past St Lucia but he didn't even deign to mention it in his travel logs

although Juan de la Cosa did include it on his 'world map' - the first to include the Americas

It is only 617 square miles and is the most mountainous of the Caribbean Islands with The Pitons (798 and 743 metres high) being its most famous landmark
Wouldn't we all like to be here now?

for Sunday Stamps - watercraft

09 February 2020


The Walls of Pskov Kremlin
One stamp of an ongoing series of contemporary art. This painting was done in 2011 by the 25 year old artist Sergey Troshin.
This is architecture that could definitely not be anywhere in Canada.

For Sunday Stamps -  of a country not your own.

02 February 2020


It was thought that anything like a lander might sink into the dust surface of the moon, but on the 31st of January, 1966, the Luna 9 was launched and 4 days later made its landing proving that the moon was capable of supporting the weight. This stamp shows the lander and its first panorama photograph of the surface of the moon.

for Sunday Stamps - science related